Listen to your body and your instinct: Zara Noor Abbas has a message for new mothers

Standup Girl starlet Zara Noor Abbas recently welcomed a new addition to her family, a baby girl named Noor-e-Jahan, with her husband actor Asad Siddiqui. While the joy of welcoming a newborn is often celebrated, Abbas took to Instagram to shed light on the less discussed but equally important phase of motherhood – the postpartum period.

In a heartfelt Instagram post, expressing her gratitude for the support from her fans, friends, and family, the 33-year-old noted, “It’s just insane. The journey from nothingness to everything. This rush of joy and power. The feeling that I can conquer anything now. The nourishment of empowerment and love.” She furthered on, “The pressure to know it all in these 40 days. It’s superior! It’s a lot! And I feel like we don’t talk much about the journey after the birth. Postpartum. It’s real. It’s as real as pregnancy.” The actress continued, “So to all the new mums, take a step back from being a super soldier. You became one by just giving birth by the grace of God. Now step back. Accept help. Rest. Eat. Sleep. Nap. You can tell people to let you be. Don’t take the advice that you don’t like. Do as you please,” she advised. Abbas concluded with the most important consideration, “Listen to your body and your instinct as a mother. This will be a long road to recovery, but you will be just fine. I promise you.”