Please list out some of the dietary minerals included in our daily intake?

Some of the minerals included in our daily intake include:

• Calcium: Milk and milk product ( 700 mg/day)

• Magnesium: Green Vegetables and Nuts ( 150-500 mg/day)

• Phosphorous: Meat, fish, dairy products ( 550mg/day)

• Chloride: Salt and salty food (No fixed value)

• Cobalt: Seafoods, meats and milk products (No fixed value)

• Iodine: Seafoods, shellfish, cod liver oil and milk (130ug/day)

• Fluoride: Seafood, tea and water (No fixed value)

• Sodium: Salt, cheese, soups (575 – 3500 mg/day)

• Iron: Meat, dried fruit, green vegetables + vit C (9-20 mg/day)

• Manganese: Tea (1-10gm/day)

• Molybdenum: Meat, cereals and milk (No fixed value)

• Zinc: Seafood, eggs,pulses ( 9.5 mg/day)

• Selenium: Seafood, cereals ( 55ug/day)

What should be the intake of vegetables for non-vegetarian?

Although, meat and eggs have their benefits, it is necessary to include some vegetables to your non-veg table. To have a complete diet, non-vegetarian should include at least five to six plant-based meals a week by using lentils, beans or organic tofu as your protein source.

When dietary supplements can be harmful to an individual?

Dietary supplement can be harmful in following conditions:

• Using a supplement with medications

• Substituting with supplement to the prescribed medicine without taking advice from a physician

• Taking excess of vitamins like vitamin A, D or minerals like Iron. Do calcium supplements interfere with medications?

Calcium does interact with several medications in different ways like antibiotics, diuretics, laxatives, etc. It will have an effect on the absorption process of medication or vice versa. It is always advisable to take physician advice on its intake and at what duration you can have it.

Is it good to avoid fat for weight loss?

It depends on what type of fat you are avoiding, if you are avoiding un-saturated fats then it’s good. Otherwise, it may show adverse effect as fat are equally important for functioning of the body. It is scientifically proved that 35 per cent of your daily calorie should come from the fat (virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds and natural nut butters).