Adnan Siddiqui

In solidarity with countless Muslims around the world, I won’t be attending APPNA event in US where some Indian artists are invited too. Nothing against the artistes but my conscience doesn’t allow me to overlook the humiliation of our revered Prophet (PBUH) by Indian leaders.

Adnan Siddiqui has refused to attend an event arranged by an association in the US after he learnt that some Indian artists have also been invited. He took this stance on the issue of derogatory remarks against our beloved Prophet (PBUH) given by the leaders of the India’s ruling BJP, which sparked worldwide condemnation from the Muslims.

Sidra Iqbal

Food Panda is enabling economic empowerment in Pakistan by providing earning opportunities to every household. With over 5000+ Home Chefs nationwide and 50,000+ riders, #FoodPanda is providing self-employment-income opportunities to many people in the country.

Television host and an avid women rights activist Sidra Iqbal is all praises for the huge Food Panda venture which is helping several households to become financially independent by providing them income generating employment opportunities.

Mansha Pasha

Asking audiences to support local cinemas at Rs 900/ticket isn’t fair. Unfortunately, local movies with Twitter-approved ‘good’ content are banned and commercial films that don’t ruffle any feathers and are designed to make it to cinema, end up getting released but then have to contend with limited screens and fewer shows as compared to high budget, technically way ahead foreign films. At the end we all lose out.

Mansha Pasha is against the increasing prices of cinema tickets. The actress doesn’t think it’s fair to expect people supporting local cinema with that much costly tickets. With several movies being banned and amidst neck to neck competition with in demand high quality foreign content, it seems almost impossible for Pakistani films to do well at the box office.