
  • 29 Jul - 04 Aug, 2023
  • Mag The Weekly
  • Fiction

From a young age, she had harboured a deep passion for makeup and all things related to beauty. It was a love that had blossomed during her childhood, drawing her closer to a kind neighbour who owned a beauty parlor.

Week after week, Saba would eagerly spend her weekends at the neighbour's parlor, soaking up every bit of knowledge and skill that she could acquire. The art of transforming faces and enhancing their natural beauty became her sanctuary, a place where her creativity flourished in a very natural way. Before long, she found herself not only learning but also working at the parlor, and earning a respectable income that brought her both joy and a sense of purpose.

However, her father's disapproval cast a shadow over her blossoming career. Against her deepest desires, she was compelled to leave the parlor, forced to abandon the very source of fulfillment and financial stability that she had finally found. It was a heartbreaking decision that left her dreams momentarily shattered.

Yet, the passage of time and the changing circumstances urged Saba to reassess her situation. The pressing need to provide for her family ignited a determination within her. She knew deep down that her passion for makeup was a valuable asset, one that could not be ignored that easily.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Saba resolved to restart her journey in the world of beauty. She understood that it wouldn't be an easy path for her, filled with challenges and uncertainties. However, the love she had for her family and the burning desire to contribute to their well-being gave her the strength to persevere.

Though the road ahead was filled with obstacles, Saba remained unwavering in her determination to carve a path of success. She knew that her passion and dedication would guide her through the darkest of times. It was time to revive her dreams, reignite her love for makeup, and embrace the challenges that lay ahead.

Saba was lost in her thoughts when Malaika jumped in her lap and brought her back to the harsh realities of real life. Ahmed and Salman were fighting over some issue and there was a chaos in the room. Taking the charge back, Saba stood up and told everyone to keep quiet. Then she gave a thousand rupees to Ahmed and instructed him to buy breakfast from outside. She handed him a carefully selected list of groceries they needed. In her mind, she roughly calculated the monthly expenses – a minimum of 75,000 rupees to cover the rent, all the utility bills, and the tuition fees for Ahmed, Salman, and Malaika. Additionally, they would also require an extra 25,000 rupees for other expenses like medical bills, transportation, clothing, and maintenance. In total, they needed 100,000 rupees per month, but at present, they were left with only 1,000 rupees.

Saba thought to herself, "Way to go, Saba," with a hint of a smile. A single tear slid down her cheek silently, with a mix of determination, sadness, and hope.

Next morning, filled with utmost determination, Saba embarked on her quest to explore her chances of earning a livelihood for her family. The weight of responsibility rested heavily on her shoulders as the eldest sibling. The previous night, she had attempted to call her father several times, but there was no answer from the other side. It became increasingly evident that her father had no intention of returning or even supporting them.

Saba's first stop was a small school located on the main road of their colony. The Principal, who was familiar with their family, called Saba into her office. There, she offered Saba a glimmer of hope, promising her a job as soon as a teacher position became available. However, the salary offered was dishearteningly meager, barely enough to cover Malaika's school fees.

With a heavy heart and shattered hopes, Saba moved on to the beauty salon where she had previously worked. She hoped that they might have an opening or could offer her some guidance. As she entered the salon, memories from her time there flooded her mind, reminding her of the joy she had found in helping others feel beautiful and confident.

Saba approached the salon manager, who recognised her immediately. They engaged in a heartfelt conversation, discussing her situation and the need for immediate employment. The manager expressed sympathy for her plight but regretfully informed her that they were not currently hiring. However, she offered Saba some valuable advice and recommended checking with some other salons in the area.

Undeterred, Saba expressed her gratitude and left the salon with a newfound determination. She decided to explore every possible opportunity, leaving no stone unturned in her pursuit of securing a job. Saba spent the entire day visiting various salons and businesses, inquiring about job openings and explaining her situation. Each rejection was disheartening for her, but she refused to let it dampen her spirit.

As the sun began to set, Saba returned home, physically exhausted but mentally resilient. She gathered her siblings and shared the outcome of her day's endeavours. While they were disappointed by the lack of immediate success, Saba assured them that she would not give up. She emphasised on the importance of staying positive and persistent, urging her siblings to focus on their studies and support one another during these challenging times.

That night, as Saba lay in bed, she reflected on the events of the day. She knew that the road ahead would be arduous, filled with obstacles and uncertainty. However, her willpower burned brighter than ever. Saba understood that she couldn't solely rely on others to change their circumstances. It was up to her to create a better future for her family.

With renewed strength and an unwavering resolve, Saba laid down on her bed, making herself ready to face the challenges that awaited her in the days to come. She knew that she was their beacon of hope, and she would do whatever it took to guide her family through the darkness towards a brighter tomorrow.

The night grew darker, enveloping the room in its comforting embrace. Saba, exhausted from her day's efforts, found relief in the stillness of the moment. She tried to sleep but the thoughts were too many and too stressful. She could not sleep and hence took out her phone and began sending distress messages to everyone in her contact list, reaching out to every known person in the hopes of finding a job. Each message carried a plea for assistance, a silent cry for help that echoed the desperation she was feeling.

With her heart heavy, Saba turned her gaze to the last remaining one thousand rupees in her possession. It was the only money she had left after tirelessly navigating the city on foot throughout the day. The weight of uncertainty and responsibility bore down on her, threatening to crush her spirit. But she knew she couldn't afford to lose hope.

In the midst of her overwhelming emotions, Saba sought comfort in prayer. With teary eyes, she turned to her Lord, pouring out her fears, worries, and hopes. She pleaded for strength, guidance, and a ray of light to illuminate their path forward. As she uttered her prayers, she felt a gentle touch on her hair. It was Malaika, her little sister, silently offering comfort and support in their shared darkness.

In that tender moment, as their unspoken bond intertwined, Saba found a glimmer of respite. The love and understanding they shared transcended words, allowing them to draw strength from each other's presence. With Malaika by her side, Saba felt a renewed sense of determination, a flicker of hope that began to soothe her weary soul.

Embracing the comfort of her sister's touch, Saba allowed herself to surrender to sleep. The worries and uncertainties of the world temporarily faded away as fatigue overcame her. In the embrace of the night, she found a momentary breather from their harsh reality, knowing that tomorrow would bring a new day with new possibilities.

As Saba drifted off into slumber, she clung to the belief that her prayers and efforts would not go unanswered. She held onto the hope that someone, somewhere, would see their plea and extend a helping hand to her. With her sister by her side and an unwavering faith in the power of resilience, Saba surrendered herself to the embrace of dreams, trusting that a brighter future awaited them.

Little did she know that her distress message had already reached to someone who would prove to be a guiding light in their lives. But that was a story for another day, one that held the promise of unexpected blessings and a path to reclaiming their shattered serenity.

Saba got up at 9 am and went straight to the kitchen where she met her mother. Everyone else had gone to their school and college. Her mother poured tea into a cup and handed it over silently to Saba. Last night, when Saba came back, her mother was in bed, so Saba did not disturb her. Now, her mother asked her about her efforts to secure a job yesterday. Saba narrated the story of her entire day. Her mother started crying, but Saba hugged her and consoled her. Her mother explained that all the groceries were about to run out, and they would starve without fresh supplies. Saba assured her mother that she would not let that happen. She still had her last thousand rupees and could buy some groceries for another two days, but then what?

Lost in her thoughts, Saba went to her room and took her phone off the charger. She had forgotten about the distressing messages she had sent last night to everyone. There were a few replies, mostly wishing her the best. However, there was a reply from someone named Asad. He was in her contact list, and suddenly she remembered that he was her classmate from high school. He was just an average-looking boy, and she had never even looked at him. But it was time to check his message. He had asked her to bring her CV to his father’s office at 11 am today. His address was also mentioned in that message. She looked at the clock, and it was 10:05 already. She had no CV, and she wasn't even ready. Panic started to set in, but she hurriedly found a modest dress to wear. It was already 10:30 when she left her house. The given address was located on the other corner of the city, so she had to hire a taxi. She reached there on time but had spent all her savings. What if she didn't get a job here? Even if she did, she would only be paid after one month.

Saba's heart raced as she waited in the office, her mind was filled with a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. The minutes ticked by slowly, each passing second intensifying her worries about the uncertain future that lay ahead. Her last remaining savings had been spent on the taxi fare, leaving her with a mere 150 rupees. The weight of desperation bore down on her, threatening to crush her spirit.

She was drowned in these thoughts when Asad passed through the corridor where she was sitting. He immediately recognised her and took her to his dad's office, introducing her to his dad as his friend who desperately needed a job.

Asad's father, Mr Kamal, greeted Saba with a kind smile, offering her a seat. He listened attentively as she explained her dire circumstances and her relentless pursuit of employment to support her family. Mr Kamal's eyes reflected a mix of empathy and understanding, and he commended Saba for her determination and resilience in the face of adversity.

Moved by her story, Mr Kamal expressed his willingness to help. He explained that he owned a small business elsewhere and was in need of a diligent and responsible employee. Saba's heart skipped a beat as a glimmer of hope flickered within her. She seized the opportunity, sharing her skills and experiences that could be of value to his business.

Impressed by Saba's sincerity and determination, Mr Kamal offered her a job on the spot. It was an entry-level position, but he assured her that she would have the opportunity to grow within the company. Relief washed over Saba as she realised that her prayers had been answered, and a lifeline had been extended to her in her time of need.

to be continued...