An actor's job is to explore. Anyone worth his/her salt hardly ever gets satisfied by playing one character successfully. It's never enough. You have to play another character and preferably someone diametrically different from your last one. And play it so well, that it's sometimes easy to forget that the same actor played both characters. Amar Khan is one such actor. May it be the role of a dayan in Belapur Ki Dayan, or the role of a rich, sophisticated girl in Dil-e-Gumshada or a visually impaired girl in Chashm-e-Num, Khan has shown tremendous range by playing diverse roles. She has enjoyed success in nearly every facet of entertainment, first as an actor, then as a screenwriter and director of numerous movies and TV serials. The artist joined MAG for a quick and fun rapid fire. Excerpts:

Career-defining moment?

Belapur ki Dayan's success.

Happiness is…

Watching the first show of your favourite film.

The key to success is…

Talent, consistency & patience.

You, in three words?

Moody, entertaining & overtly sensitive.

Advice to your younger self…

One does not have to be competent always.

Greatest life achievement?

When I sent my grandmother on pilgrimage.

Greatest fear?

Losing loved ones and getting my teeth broken.

Biggest joy?

Doing what I believe in.

If you could have one super power, what would it be?

Reading minds.

What inspires you?

Fearlessness, honesty and the simplicity of a person.