Q: Doctor I have severe pain in my back and leg. It is difficult to stand and walk. I am 42 years old female. I have no other medical condition. I have been suffering from this pain for over three weeks. Kindly guide.
The condition requires a proper assessment by a physical therapist. It seems that you may have sciatica, although it needs physical therapy tests for confirmation then I will guide you about it. Sciatica refers to radiating pain along the course of the sciatic nerve from the lower back or buttock to one or both legs. Sciatica pain often worsens with flexion of the lumbar spine, twisting, bending, or coughing.

The causes of sciatica can be categorized into spinal or non-spinal causes or iatrogenic. In most cases of sciatica, conservative treatment is favored. The evidence does not show that one treatment is superior to the other. It is better to educate patient about the condition. Advice self-management techniques and encourage them to continue their normal activities. Use or for comfort and to decrease inflammation. Avoid inciting activities such as prolonged sitting/standing. Regularly changing position. from sitting to standing. It is good to do lifting exercises to increase. Gentle of the lumbar spine and hamstrings. Regular light exercises such as walking, swimming, or should be done. You can also do soft tissue techniques such as massage – used alongside exercise.

Q: My son is 8-year-old and has flat feet. Kindly guide me about it.
Flat foot is the loss of the medial longitudinal , heel valgus deformity, and medial prominence. This is often observed with the medial arch of the foot coming closer (than typically expected) to the ground or making contact with the ground. Some infants are born with flexible flat feet, with arch development first seen around three years of age and then often only attaining adult values in arch height between 7 and 10 years of age. In considering developmental flatfoot, the medial longitudinal arch of the foot normally develops by the age of 5 or 6. This occurs as the fat pad in babies is gradually absorbed, balance improves and skilled movements are acquired. In some children, however, the arch fails to develop which may be a result of tightness in the calf muscles, laxity in the , or poor stability in other areas such as around the hips. Physical therapy aims to minimize pain, increase foot flexibility, strengthen weak muscles, train proprioception, and patient education and reassurance. As part of the assessment process, the physiotherapist can assist in evaluating the gait, gross motor skills, and the impact the foot deformity has on functional activities. Assess endurance, speed, fatigability, pain, and ability to walk on different terrains, with a focus on assessing function, not just structural abnormalities.

Q: My mother is 57-year-old. She has been suffering from knee pain for over two years. It is difficult for her to walk. Is it possible that she gets recovered from physical therapy?
A proper diagnosis needs examination by a physical therapist. However, it seems that she has knee osteoarthritis. It is also known as degenerative joint disease. It is typically result of wear and tear and progressive loss of articular cartilage. It is most common in elderly people and can be divided into two types, primary and secondary, Osteoarthritis is a painful, chronic joint disorder that primarily affects not only the knees but also hands, hips and spine. The intensity of the symptoms may vary for each individual and usually progress slowly. Common clinical symptoms include knee pain that is gradual in onset and worsens with activity, knee stiffness and swelling, pain after prolonged sitting or resting, crepitus or a cracking sound with joint movement

Treatment for knee osteoarthritis begins with conservative methods and progresses to surgical treatment options when conservative treatment fails. While medications can help slow the progression of RA and other inflammatory conditions, there are currently no proven disease-modifying agents for the treatment of knee OA. OA is the most common disease of the joints worldwide, with the knee being the most commonly affected joint in the body. It mainly affects people over the age of 45. OA can lead to pain and loss of function, but not everyone with radiographic findings of knee OA will be symptomatic. The diagnosis can be established by clinical examination, and it can be confirmed by X-rays. Physiotherapy should be started with all patients with a diagnosis of OA. Exercise has been proven to be effective as pain management and also improves physical functioning in the short term.