• 21 Oct - 27 Oct, 2023
  • Mag The Weekly
  • Beauty

The A-list skincare ingredients you can find in your kitchen.
Many of us can attest to the experience of strolling down a skincare aisle trying to resist the temptation of products that promise soft, even skin, plump lips, and an all-around dewy glow. The pretty packaging and creative descriptions call your name, until you're standing at the register ready to dole out half of your last paycheck on a gold-infused eye cream that promises you will "literally" wake up sparkling. If you're trying to save space, money, or move away from unnatural, processed ingredients, you might find your new favourite skincare product in one of the more unexpected places: your kitchen. There are plenty of ingredients you probably already have around that you can experiment with before you drop too much money at Sephora – and chances are these pantry-sourced beauty hacks will be much cheaper.
Check out our roundup of six products you probably already have in your pantry that are also great for your skin:

Moisturise and gently remove makeup with coconut oil
You've probably heard its praises sung before – and for good reason. While some find coconut oil most useful for cooking, we’ve retired our jar from the kitchen. Coconut oil is not only a great moisturising hair mask, but it's also antibacterial and anti-fungal, which makes it safe and healthy for use on skin.

It makes for an amazingly gentle eye makeup remover that literally melts any formula right off. And while rubbing coconut oil all over your body might seem strange, we've never woken up with smoother skin. Just be sure to apply it a few hours before bed or when you have a lot of free time to spare so the oil actually has time to soak in.

Make an energising body scrub with coffee grounds
If you rely on coffee for a jolt of energy throughout the day, you should think about incorporating it into your skincare routine. The texture of ground coffee is great for sloughing off dead skin, and it's been reported that the caffeine itself stimulates fat degradation which can help the appearance of cellulite. Mix coffee grounds with coconut oil for a moisturising body scrub that will leave you smelling like your favourite latte.

Use creamy avocados for a soothing, moisturising face mask
Avocados are filled with plenty of nutrients, including those omega-3 fatty acids you're always hearing the benefits of. While eating some avocado can enrich your body from the inside out, it can't hurt to keep a few slices to the side for your skincare regimen. The creamy texture we've come to love avocados for makes them taste delicious, but also allows them to soothe, moisturise, and nourish your skin. You can mix avocado with other kitchen skincare products like honey and rolled oats for a simple DIY face mask.

Fight redness and irritation with the anti-inflammatory powers of turmeric
It seems that turmeric is popping up everywhere in beverages, sauces, even face masks. The spice is revered for its anti-inflammatory properties, so it only makes sense that it would do the same when placed atop your skin. Mix turmeric and raw honey into a soothing face mask when your skin is feeling a little agitated and red. The spice can stain things pretty easily, so be mindful of your surroundings when making this concoction.

Use brown sugar to make a scrub that will leave your lips soft and sweet
Granular brown sugar is just the right consistency for a homemade lip scrub. There are plenty of sugar scrub recipes online, but the basic formula isn't too complicated. Mix some brown sugar with coconut or olive oil and exfoliate to scrub away any dry skin. The oil will leave your lips feeling hydrated and soft.

Moisturise, regenerate, and fade scars with raw honey
Manuka honey is a type of raw honey that's full of live enzymes and vitamins. It tastes great in your tea, but can also be used for a variety of functions on your skin. For hydration, use it in a mask. You can even mix it with fresh lemon juice for a treatment to fade dark spots. Make sure you buy raw honey, as regular honey loses most of its beneficial nutrients when it is heated and processed.