Party On!

Following an especially low-key holiday season last year, 2022 is shaping up to be anything but chill. Between work events, last-minute dinner parties before break, and, of course, catch-ups with friends, things are about to get busy – and that's before you take into consideration the sartorial component of each event. To help lessen the load just a little bit, we share the party looks from MAG’s exclusive shoots, be it for low-key meetups with old friends or impromptu get-togethers that call for a semiformal getup. And after perusing our selections, we can say with certainty that getting dressed for your holiday plans won't be nearly as stressful as actually attending them. You're welcome.

Be that lone ranger at the party who shows up in a power suit and looks a thousand times better than anyone else there.

Requiring the same level of styling effort as a dress but with all the cool kudos usually associated with suiting, jumpsuits are the fashion trailblazer's all-in-one of choice.

Fashion's love affair with leather is showing no signs of abating. But the fabric has specifically been dominating the party scene with leather pants.

Red dresses especially are making waves with a truckload of sultriness and girl, you know we see the spirit of the month as "ready-to-slay".

Is there anything not to love about a pretty pleated skirt? They are fun, youthful and provide sufficient room to move around easily.

It’s not a party till the time you don’t don a head-turning dress. That said, metallic dresses are a perfect amalgamation of elegance, sass and bling.