• 20 Jan - 26 Jan, 2024
  • Mag The Weekly
  • Beauty

Rose water is considered to be a beauty elixir. Any beauty and skin lover would be foolish to pass up on not including rose water in their skincare products if they want to nurture and enrich your soft, smooth skin. If your skin is lacking that natural, beautiful glow, we’ve got you! Here are nine incredible rose water benefits for your skin.

1. Soothes skin irritations
Attention all sensitive-skinned queens, rose water is your friend. It is packed with anti-inflammatory properties that can help calm skin irritations. It provides a cooling effect that can help reduce redness.

2. It is an antioxidant powerhouse
Hello skin regeneration! Sometimes all your skin needs is a little boost to get stronger, and the antioxidants that rose water has contributes to that. When you apply rose water either as a toner or makeup remover, you’re nourishing your skin and boosting its growth; that’s a win-win.

3. Heals skin scars and cuts
Our skin is amazing and generally heals quite fast. If you have some scars or cuts, applying rose water to your skin regularly can help soothe those cuts and reduce the appearance of it.

4. Hello youthful-looking skin
Rose water benefits are next level; did you know that it may have anti-aging properties? Say goodbye to dull-looking skin, because rose water has entered the chat. Daily application of rose water should be equivalent to drinking water from the fountain of youth.

5. Hydrates all skin types
Rose water can be used in many different way, such as a toner, makeup remover, and even a hydrating cream. Rose water-infused lotions hydrate the skin and give your skin that natural, effortless glow.

6. Enhances your mood
When you use rose water for your skin, you’re unbottling rest and relaxation. The pleasant aroma from rose water can help enhance your mood. It’s no wonder that when you take a bath filled with rose petals, you experience the same feeling.