I never felt that I resembled him, never tried to portray him: Sahir Lodhi on Shah Rukh Khan

Whilst on the Excuse Me Podcast, sitting across from host Ahmad Ali Butt, Sahir Lodhi was asked about the age-old “Shah Rukh Khan” tag associated with the television personality. Butt made Lodhi aware of the fact that when Lodhi met Khan, a meme went viral that jokingly referred to the latter as the former's lookalike. Lodhi seemed to be unaware of the same. "This is who we are as a nation," he said nonchalantly in response.
"Our genres are completely different. He acts, I've always done hosting," Lodhi clarified. Shedding light on their perceived resemblance, the television personality claimed he had "never felt that" and stated, "See, it's not my fault. Nor is it his." He went on to state, "The thing is, he's a great man. I've always appreciated him a lot. He does great work. I never felt that I resembled him, I've never tried to portray him on-screen or off-screen. The way I am now, I am the same on TV."