
  • 07 Mar - 13 Mar, 2020
  • Mag The Weekly

Well executed documentaries are always a ‘yes’ to stream!

Babies is a new documentary released on Netflix. The camera glides down an empty hospital corridor – the maternity ward, accompanied by a collage of sounds, including painful cries. There are fifteen babies and thirty above scientists where the babies are trying to figure out the world and the scientists are trying to figure out how the babies figure things out. Rachel gives birth to baby Willow as proud dad Adam weeps. He brings young Lily, who’s maybe two, to the hospital to meet her new sister, and she oh so gently touches the baby’s face. In Tel Aviv, researcher Ruth Feldman explains her studies focusing on how the hormone oxytocin plays a significant part in parent-child bonding. You may come for the cuteness and stay for the hard science in the show. It’s just egg headed enough to engage those who want to put a smidgen of math behind the overwhelming flood of emotional sludge parents feel when they become parents initially. So maybe non-parents might not get as much out of the series, although it also make the argument that anyone interested in human development may raise an eyebrow or two of interest at the facts presented here. Be warned, if you only want to soak in sweet-pumpkin baby vibes, you may be disappointed. The documentary is a more suggestive, less clinical endeavor with interesting facts revealed by the scientists.