Airports to use UV lights

With coronavirus keeping travelers at home, one airport is taking spring cleaning to the next level with a pair of robots. Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT), working with Carnegie Robotics, will use autonomous machines equipped with UVC light to kill microbes. The robots will first scrub floors in high-traffic areas. Then they will emit ultraviolet rays to sanitize them even further. While no studies have proven UVC light kills coronavirus, experts assume that it does, since it's been used to break down other viruses like the one that causes SARS. It's similar to the cleaning method the New York subway system is using to disinfect a few trains, but PIT has two robots to help with the task. Specifically, the machines are modified Nilfisk Liberty SC50 autonomous scrubber/dryers. They are similar to cleaning bots found in hospitals and other commercial spaces. Think of a giant Roomba that can scrub and dry instead of vacuum.