My face is constantly oily. Is there any treatment or skincare regimen that can help control this?

Fear not, your quest for shine-free skin can be achieved in four simple steps:

1. Pick a gentle wash that mattes and purifies, and contains a bit of salicylic acid, which helps remove dirt, bacteria, and grime; or fruit enzyme exfoliates. Fruit enzymes can dissolve superficial dead skin cells and this can result in a smoother and brighter complexion. Wash your face in the morning and at night to relieve your skin of any pollutants, bacteria or oil that creates a greasy face. Also, don’t forget to use a toner, as it helps balance the pH of your skin.

2. Get the glow with a great exfoliator. Choose one that is non-abrasive, has a matte effect, and that will unclog pores without over-drying the skin. If you are short on time or feeling lazy, there are some effective ready-soaked pads available in the market. But remember, don’t over-exfoliate, and opt for it once a week.

3. Use a face mask once a week. Clay-based formulas will pull out impurities, while charcoal-based masks will brighten and invigorate oily skin.

4. Finally, a good oily skincare moisturiser that offers broad-spectrum UV protection is a must. It will remedy a greasy look and ensure that your skin stays hydrated throughout the day.

My teenage daughter is extremely self-conscious about the shape of her nose. At what age can she consider a nose job?

A prospective patient’s face needs to reach skeletal maturity or be fully formed before they can get a nose job. For girls, age 14 or 15 is the earliest. Since boys’ faces grow a little slower, age 15 is the minimum. However, a patient’s emotional maturity also plays a role in timing a rhinoplasty. A nose job is usually done as an outpatient procedure, meaning there is no overnight stay. She’ll get general or local anaesthesia, depending on what is appropriate. With general anaesthesia, she’ll sleep through the operation. With local anaesthesia, she will be sedated, and her nose will be numbed so she is relaxed and unable to feel the pain. After surgery, people usually wear a nasal splint for the first week. You can expect swelling and some bruising around her eyes after surgery that will begin to improve after the third day. This can last up to two weeks. Your daughter should avoid strenuous activity for about three to six weeks after surgery.