Making it to the small screen at the tender age of 13, starring in the drama Stop Watch and venturing into music with his own progressive rock band Nafs, Ahmed Ali Akbar has proved himself to be a man of many talents. Not just the screen, Ahmed has proved himself worthy of standing ovations on the theatre stage as well and has become a recurring face we will be seeing for a long time. Starring into big feature films like Karachi se Lahore and Parchi and, Laal Kabootar, that managed to receive many praises and accolades internationally, Ahmed has been a busy guy but he finds 60 seconds for a quick and fun chat with MAG. Excerpts:

If your life was a movie, what genre would it be?


One thing you can eat any time of the day?

Pakistani cheese omelet.

Favourite cartoon character of all time?

Wile E. Coyote.

An actor you would want to swap lives with?

Tom Holland.

If you were to run away and start fresh, where would you go?


Best and worst purchase you have ever made?

Best: 90’s kids Casio piano. Worst: three blade razor.

Favourite book of all time?

1984 by George Orwell.

One ridiculous thing you grew up believing as a child?

All of Michael Jackson's lyrics were not what I heard.

If you could pick your own nickname, what would it be?

If I was rapper I'd call myself "'A' Cube".

What would a day with yourself look like?

Like a reflection in the mirror.

How do you take your coffee?


Home is....

Your body and the planet.

The biggest perk of being you is…

Having my brothers by my side.

Best memory to-date for you is…

Associated with the house I grew up living in, as it was magical.

Your style philosophy is…

That you are what you eat.

Life for me is…

A battle of ego.