
Grateful beyond measure to get my first jab today and hope that this might also inspire anyone who have not been vaccinated to get one, not only for your own protection but your family and friends and really for all of us !! If you are not vaccinated … go, go, GO!!

Ghisti Piti Mohabbat famed actress Ramsha Khan received her first jab and is urging everyone to get themselves vaccinated amidst the brutal third wave of the novel coronavirus.

There are approximately 19 million children below the age of 14 engaged in child labour in Pakistan. Loving this initiative by the Ministry of Human Rights has taken action to eliminate forced child labour in Pakistan! @mohrpakistan #endchildlabour

It is actually now illegal in ICT, under the 1991 Child Employment Act to employ a child under the age of 14 as domestic labour. Actress Saba Qamar applauded the initiative taken by the Ministry of Human Rights to enforce measures in eradicating forced child labour from the country.

I'm fed up of seeing Muslim characters on screen either negative or non-existent. The industry must change. Our new study proves what many of us always felt about #MuslimsInFilm. The cost is measured in hate and lost lives. Full speech here:

Emmy award winner British-Pakistani actor Riz Ahmed voiced his opinion to change Muslim representation in films which is either negative or just simply non-existent. It has costed many lives due to the hate narrative being displayed in movies against the Muslim community worldwide.