People refusing to wear face masks are 'likely to be sociopaths' says study

  • 12 Sep - 18 Sep, 2020
  • Mag The Weekly
  • Mag Files

People who refuse to wear face masks or choose to ignore social distancing measures amid the coronavirus pandemic are considered more likely to be a sociopath according to recent research. Findings come from a survey of around 1,578 Brazilian adults who were asked about their compliance with Covid-19 measures. One question that participants were asked was: 'Do you think it is necessary to use a facemask/socially distance/wash your hands more frequently?' From their findings, participants were divided into two categories: the 'empathy group' and the 'anti-social group'. The 'empathy group' comprised of 1,200 people, all of whom showed understanding of the measures in place and tended to be interested in 'developing positive social interactions' with others. Whereas, the remaining 400 people who were placed in the 'anti-social group' showed the opposite. The researchers said that people in this group posed more of a societal risk to others, based off of their lack of concern in helping to reduce the number of climbing deaths by following rules in place. They're also more inclined to look for ways in which their interactions with others could benefit them personally, more likely to feel 'socially detached' and to engage in hostile behaviour. This group was deemed as less compliant, and less likely to wear face coverings.