How can I fix my teeth and smile?

Caps and crowns cover problem teeth by surrounding them in a material that looks like a real tooth. They use the root and inside of the tooth as a base to build on, then attach with special cement. Veneers and bonding improve your smile by sticking a layer of smoother and whiter materials like porcelain or resin to the natural tooth. Talk with your dentist about which fix is right for you.

Are sweets and ice really bad for my teeth?

Yes, sweets and foods with acid, like candy and soda, could stick to teeth and lead to cavities. Smoking and chewing tobacco can cause oral cancer and gum disease. While teeth are strong enough to chew ice and tear open packages, this can break them and stress your jaws. Gritting or grinding down on teeth when you're stressed may crack them. Biting your nails is another bad habit. It pulls your jaw out of position and changes how your teeth fit together.

What are early signs of dental trouble?

Visit a dentist if you have any of these issues or see your child having trouble chewing or complaining of soreness:

• Mouth sores

• Jaw pain

• Redness

• Swollen face or gums

• Tooth sensitivity

• Broken teeth

• Dry mouth

• Bleeding gums

• Bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth

Getting checked out right away prevents more serious problems and infections.