Detention: Season 1

  • 19 Dec - 25 Dec, 2020
  • Mag The Weekly

Detention is a new Netflix horror series from Taiwan that has a very international appeal. Both because it does have a very universal (and yes, familiar) story, but also because it’s off to a pretty good start. In many ways, Detention is a very classic horror series. Perfect for Netflix since it will reach exactly the huge audience that it needs to. We’re dealing with lots of teenagers in Detention which starts up the plot really well. After all, teenagers with hormones and rebellious ways are (at least somewhat) similar all over the world; some are following the rules while others are questioning what the adults are telling them. No matter their trust (or lack thereof) in authorities, they will soon discover that there is definitely more to this world than meets the eye. The horror elements are utilised in some very efficient ways that should work for most horror movie fans. While this is definitely a horror series of the supernatural variety, the circumstances in the series are grounded in the real world. Political oppression is evident and brutal which is yet another reason to watch it. We could probably all do with knowing more about the history of other countries – as well as the country you reside in yourself.