Why are my eyes twitching?

Eye twitching is the involuntary, spontaneous contraction among the fine muscles of the eyelid. However, minor eye twitching can be hard to treat since there’s only one way to end it: figure out the cause and deal with it appropriately. Most people will develop some type of minor eyelid twitch in their lifetime, as there are a variety of external factors that can account for twitching eyes. While we all feel tired and stressed at certain times, our bodies handle it in different ways. Fatigue, stress, eye strain, and caffeine or alcohol consumption seem to be the most common sources of eye twitching. Eye strain, or vision-related stress, can occur if you need glasses, a change in prescription, or are consistently working in front of a computer. If you feel your eyes begin to twitch, take a look at your recent lifestyle choices. How much sleep have you been getting? Are you feeling stressed or anxious? Have you spent significant time in front of a computer? It’s important to adjust your habits in order to stop the twitching. Try to reduce your source of stress, catch up on sleep, and take breaks from your computer monitor to rest your eyes. Be sure to reduce your caffeine consumption as well.

What should I do about a popped blood vessel in my eye?

The exact cause of a popped blood vessel remains unknown, though there are several instances that trigger a blood vessel to burst. Rapid increases in blood pressure, violent coughing, powerful sneezing, heavy lifting, or even intense laughing, could be to blame. Additionally, severe eye infections, eye or eyelid surgery, roughly rubbing an eye, or the use of blood-thinning medications or even aspirin, can all cause a blood vessel to erupt. With all the possible causes, there is only one treatment for a burst blood vessel – time! Subconjunctival hemorrhages generally treat themselves, as the conjunctiva slowly absorbs the blood over time. Think of it like a bruise on the eye. Expect a full recovery within two weeks, without any long-term complications. Although eye drops will not repair the burst vessel, they can help soothe the heaviness or irritation.