Cat Burglar

  • 05 Mar - 11 Mar, 2022
  • Mag The Weekly

Netflix’s interactive shows have been a mixed bag. Cat Burglar is an interactive animated special that pits Rowdy (James Adomian), a cat proficient at stealing against Peanut (Alan Lee), a little dog who is a security guard at a museum. When the museum director (Trevor Devall) tells Peanut that an extremely valuable painting is being moved in and he can’t screw things up, Peanut says he doesn’t miss a thing… and doesn’t notice the museum director had driven away minutes ago. Rowdy, seeing the valuable painting, starts figuring out how to get in. This is when the interactivity comes in. When Rowdy tries something, a trivia question pops up, with three sets of two choices. If you get the answers right before the time runs out, Rowdy succeeds in whatever he’s doing. If you get one of the answers wrong, Rowdy dies a brutal death. The first time he dies, an angel version of Rowdy explains why he only has three lives left and the way he ended the first six of his nine lives are all brutal. Two more mistakes send Rowdy to heaven permanently… until the Big Guy sends him back to complete the job. Cat Burglar also pays tribute to those classic Tex Avery style of cartoons and doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel.

– Compilation