- 01 Feb - 07 Feb, 2025
If you are already skilled in a particular forte or stream or you have a talent, discuss it with your counsellor and the possibility of finding a professional market for that. There are many streams that might be in need of your talent and interest but common perception towards it might make you hesitant. For example, strong gamers and hackers have a great demand in various sectors of science, ethical hacking, and illustrators. If you want to make a change in society and prefer working in that direction rather than only for economical support ask for guidance in that area.
Today social media is a very important part of your identity. Yes! It is a secondary resume of sorts. Social media is no longer just a medium to post about what you ate for dinner but the social media platforms have spread its arms largely in every sector. These days most of the average colleges do a thorough check of their applicants about their personality, social views, and activity in society. Also, interview panels in various firms go through your social media as a part of the hiring process. So, ask your counsellor to help you find work and activities which you can showcase on your social media to have extra credit and take his or her feedback on it.
After the resume is perfect, it’s common for students to stop visiting us until we hear that they’ve had several interviews but no offers, a situation that can be disheartening and frustrating and can cause unnecessary plummeting of self-confidence. In this situation, the student missed out on a key step of preparation: interview practice. Preparation for interviewing is not something that should be done solo. Get someone to help you; even if you spend hours researching and practicing, if you don’t share with someone the answers that you plan to say, then you might just say the wrong thing. Bring your resume, cover letter, and a copy of the job description to your career counsellor and let them ask you questions and help you prepare solid answers. In our experiences, people often undersell themselves, or don’t articulate their skills and strengths in alignment with the position and organisation well enough. A career counsellor will guide you through this experience to ensure that you are well prepared to impress.