- 08 Feb - 14 Feb, 2025
I had been recommended plenty of different books over the period of different time intervals and I did read the books that were quite interesting but then came a time when I heard people discussing this French book named 'Freedom Fighters and Freedom Seekers'. This was the book that literally was meant to change my life forever and my entire life can be summarised as something that revolves around this particular book. James Anderson was the author of this book who passed away a long time ago but he was the one who had collected information from several different sports and had compiled them all in this book name Freedom Fighters and Freedom Seekers.
Now, what was the most interesting part about this book the most interesting reality about this book was that this book was banned in our state. Can you easily believe that a book that was based on the lives of those three freedom fighters was banned in our book what was in that particular book that was actually going to help seek out the truth. My second Quest started hair when I try to find out this book and when I asked different people regarding this book all of my elder than all of my seniors asked me to stay away from this book and they said that don't go in ear book or else you might go astray. there were plenty of questions that were given birth in my mind and I used to think that this is not a powerful statement and why am I simply being stopped and forced to think about something else rather than this book now this was the book which had gained the position of being a Forbidden fruit of our state and I had to try this Forbidden fruit no matter how bitter or how dangerously sweet it tasted.
Now finding this Forbidden fruit was my Quest and I was on this task of finding out this book through any source and I had to read it no matter what would stop me and no matter how many obstacles would come in my way. I wasn't really thinking about my future and probably I should have considered but what matters more than anything is the discovery of truth and the discovery of truth would not have happened if I would have simply a Bade all those people who would have told me to stay back and state differently if I never knew about this book. I just seem to remember that wherever I was going and however I was working this book was simply appearing before my mind and I couldn't literally get my mind off this book and I kept on thinking about this book 24 hours. This book's title was constantly in my mind and I simply can't resist thinking about this book even when I was sleeping I used to have these dreams that I had finally attend this book and I was actually reading it and I was really enjoying it but I woke up I used to think that have come their dream is not true and their dream used to give me this Herb that one day I would definitely get this book and I would be really satisfied once I would read this book from beginning to end.
All of the assessments that were happening around me regarding my really serious life and my career didn't quite married to me as much as this book married to me and I literally would have given up to earn this book. Where there were other components and work I also had to see that matters were getting way out of hand when people were not assessing the issues under the shade of activities that were quite relevant to the history of our state. I don't know what kind of a person I am who is too much involved in history but these three personalities are not quite ordinary personalities and it matters a lot regarding through these wires and our history is revolving around different aspects that one has to look after through different perspectives. The multiple assessments that have to be looked upon with the changing varieties of historical analysis and assessments have to be created through the guidance of multiple members who are good in conducting their own analysis. But what really matter to me and what was revolving around my mind was the fact that I was actually catering these matters with my mind open and I was being honest while I was doing this regarding an entire committee.
Wherever I used to go in order to purchase this book and find this book in the stores of my city the shopkeepers used to tell me that this book was banned quite a long time ago and among those who were kind of like interested in reading books themselves they even use to say that don't think of getting this book because this book might be a little harmful for your mind. Now these was the aspects that were actually enhancing my suspense even more and I was attracted even more towards this book and I had to find this book out no matter what I even tried the internet resources but unfortunately I really could find this book anywhere. But there is one thing that I know about myself and that is that when I am on a particular task and my objective is to simply achieve that particular target then I simply go and net no matter how things get worse. All of the aspects had to be taken care of one after another and once I was considering this book to be in my hand I had decided and I was thinking that I would resolve all the other matters of My Life One after another and I would give them some serious time but this book was my first priority. I used to think that once I would and this book from somewhere I would read this entire book in a limited amount of time and within just few days.
When I was in third standard I remember that period of my life to be one of the most important and one of the most memorable times of all. There are basically two reasons behind by that period of my life is one of the most essential once but both of them might not be quiet equally important where as one is slightly more important. To make it brief I would like to explain this in a way that I had discovered Sun realities that I might would have discovered later on but since they were destined to be discovered back then so it was quite a milestone for me back then. What was this milestone? Let me explain it in a step by step procedure yet briefly, this was the time when I discovered about these three personalities for the first time in my subject course. This subject was none other than history of course but how I was receiving it was not the same as how my other colleagues and friends had. I remember these as important memories of my life. My entire subject of history back in 3rd standard was revolving around these three personalities and these three were divided into three chapters the longest chapter of all was of Victor's of course and probably that was why I was inspired by him so much that I have loved him for the rest of my life and our bond is so strong that nothing can break our love.
On the other hand, what happened in my life and what really changed my life to a huge extent was an event or what I should call a tragedy that I witnessed from my own eyes. This was not quite an ordinary event rather this was a kind of trauma that stays with you for the rest of your life and what was this this was seeing an innocent lady who was not just an ordinary lady but was a mother who got killed. She was a woman who got killed right in front of her little son and this happened in the middle of the road where everyone was running and scenario of stampede was created but the terrorists who were actually scaring the people of head left a special agent who was tall heighted and who killed the woman by actually slashing her throat. Yes this was the dark tragedy that I witnessed with my own eyes and this was also when I was in 3rd standard and I was returning from school. I kept on thinking that this could have been my mother and I could have been the child who witnessed this dark brutality but I did not care about things as much because with passage of time this grey darker in my mind and forced me to think even more about what the possibilities were. Young kid is supposed to know about the future and how his life is meant to be but when he is tormented by these kinds of cruelty is then he has simply lost his life in a very young age and he is more of a dead soul in a living body. I really feel for their young little kid today and even though many years past I still see that little boy getting tormented and suffering the pain that no one would ever wish to.
That dark tragedy regarding murder of that one mother had never really washed away from my mind I used to keep on thinking about the treasury and it simply used to hurt me even if I could not solve it through my own hands. Majority of the cases that I have seen regarding such kinds of brutal murders are usually found on TV but when you see these with your own eyes and experience the kind of treasuries in your own presents then your come to realise that these are quite critical conditions where different members are not looking for the assessments to be catered simply. Majority of the assessments are found to be conducted with the guidance of those members who are looking at the amendments designed by senior members. I was obviously believing what my seniors and what my elders were telling me and that was all about the history that probably one forced me to believe in but how can I know what is the reality and what is the truth when I am not able to go there and I am not personally there with my real presence.
I heard this conversation as I was trying to recall that exact moment: “There is a patient before us who is mentally sick and he is not someone who was by birth found like this, rather he was someone who actually had some external influences who drove him nearly crazy. His childhood was not quite a peaceful one, in which he faced plenty of different child abuses that left him absolutely disturbed and traumatised.”
Then after this long wait finally I came across the different book Stores and what happened that day was something really unexpected I was simply going through a book shop and my objective was not to buy that particular book but rather I was trying to distract myself by reading something else like science and Biology however with passage of time wasn't actually expecting matters to grow like this and while I found this book I saw that this book was not quite in a good condition and it seemed quite that I had finally attained what I really wanted.