Pedal To Metal

  • 26 Mar - 01 Apr, 2022
  • Mag The Weekly

Shows about racing show a lot of action, but there also needs to be a story under that action. A new Netflix series from Mexico Pedal To Metal, deals with racing culture and a neighbourhood that’s known for cars and car theft. Kike Guerrero (Benny Emmanuel) and Noche Martinez (Andrés Delgado) regularly race their modified Volkswagen on the illegal racing circuit and they’ve gotten pretty good. With their winnings, plus wagering the money their boss at a local auto shop asked them to collect from a customer, Noche thinks they can make enough money to buy the garage from their boss. After all, cars and racing are in Kike’s blood, as his father and grandfather both raced in Mexico City. When their boss comes to get his money, Kike realises that Noche took it to another illegal race. He goes down there and sees that his friend has already challenged a rich kid with a Ferrari to a race. The rich kid decides to drive his friend’s Eclipse to help even the playing field. During the race, though, Kike and Noche cause an accident that kills the other driver; they barely get out of it with their lives. What they don’t realise is that the dead racer is the son of a highly-influential businessman (Jorge Zárate), who has the police under his control. Amparo has no choice but to boost a car and drive Kike and Noche to her old neighbourhood in Mexico.