I’m interested in sports-related careers. I ride, play golf and surf. I am not sure if I can combine all but would like to explore options in these areas.

No longer considered unconventional, sports education is today a fairly popular programme. That said being interested in sports does necessarily mean you can translate your interest into a profession. And even if you could you must be cognisant of the limited life span a professional sportsman enjoys. So it is important to merge your passion with a degree in business. Studying sport management involves learning about the sport itself and the psychological principles behind it. An interdisciplinary field, sports management encompasses elements of economics, accounting, marketing, psychology, law, and communications. You will understand the linkage and interdependence between business, sport and entertainment. Other topics will include event planning, sponsorships, deal-making and negotiations; legal issues and regulations; kinesiology, nutrition science, motor skills development and finance in the entertainment industry. After a few years of work experience, it may be worth exploring an MBA in this field.

I’d like to a pursue a course in the alternate energy sector. What kind of career opportunities exist in this field?

Alternative energy can manifest itself through various mediums particularly wind, marine, nuclear and solar. Electrical vehicles is the new buzz word, with traditional car manufacturers allocating substantial resources matched by ambitious timelines forging the transition from combustion engines to electrical vehicles. The growing demand for cars and battery plants has increased the demand for skilled engineers who will be required to apply their creativity and intelligence to design energy-efficient, high-performance vehicles that do not emit carbon emissions and pollute the environment. On an average over half a million new jobs are created in the renewable energy arena making it one the fastest growing areas. Education institutes have been equally nimble in responding by creating an array of programs geared to educate students in this field. At college, students could do an engineering degree specialising in renewable energy. Alternatively, they could do a degree in chemistry specialising in biochemistry, chemical engineering, bioinformatics, or forensic science. Solar installers, wind turbines, lithium plants, environmentally designed sustainable buildings have created jobs for an array of professionals. Career opportunities in this field include energy consultant, carbon sales adviser, wind power equipment engineer, solar panel equipment engineer and energy auditor. All these job titles are fairly recent and have come about primarily due to the increased fixation with clean energy.