Sarwat Gilani has distanced herself from TV, here’s why!

Voice it out

Over the years, we've seen much less of Sarwat Gilani on TV. The actor has finally voiced her point of view and addressed her lack of interest in television. In a recent interview, the Churails actor talked about her preference changing to independent projects over commercial ones on television. She said it was due to her becoming more vocal about some very important issues that were not being given their due in these TV serials. "With time I got into speaking up on women's rights, against child abuse, against so many serious real-life topics that I felt that if I'm talking about it, if I'm believing that that's a certain thing that should be practiced in our society I cannot go back to being the mazloom sisakti hui aurat because I just don't believe in that." She further said that Pakistani women are incredible and there are many examples that deserve recognition. "We need to tell those success stories, and not have a premise of an entire season or serial of 26 episodes. Women are really breaking boundaries to get out of that stereotype." The actor explained that television was holding her back in that regard. "I did television for 20 years – and I did play the mazloom sisakti hui aurat but I felt like enough of that."