12 November, 1990 – Akihito enthroned

Japanese Emperor Akihito – according to tradition, the 125th direct descendant of Jimmu, Japan's legendary first emperor – was formally enthroned on this day in 1990, nearly two years after the death of his father, Hirohito.

13 November, 2015 – Terrorist attacks in Paris

On this day in 2015, terrorists staged coordinated attacks in Paris and its environs, the deadliest occurring at the Bataclan theatre and concert hall; in all, at least 130 people were killed and more than 350 were wounded.

14 November, 2000 - Eritrea made a province of the Ethiopian empire

On this day in 1962, the Ethiopian parliament and Eritrean Assembly voted unanimously for the abolition of Eritrea's federal status, making Eritrea (independent since 1993) a simple province of the Ethiopian empire.

15 November, 1988 – Palestinian statehood proclaimed by Yasser Arafat

Meeting at Algiers, the Palestine National Council, at the urging of PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, issued a declaration of independence for a state of Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on this day in 1988.

16 November, 1988 - Election of Bhutto as Pakistan's prime minister

Benazir Bhutto, elected prime minister of Pakistan on this day in 1988, became the first woman in modern history to lead a Muslim country, serving as prime minister from 1988 to 1990 and again from 1993 to 1996.

17 November, 2003 – Arnold Schwarzenegger inaugurated as governor of California

Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, an Austrian-born American bodybuilder and film actor, was inaugurated on this day in 2003 as the governor of California following a recall election that ousted the sitting governor.

18 November, 1963- The first push-button telephones debuted in the US

The first push-button (Touch-Tone) telephones debuted in the United States, eventually replacing most rotary-dial models.