Verse of Estoria Ballad of the Heavens

By Octavius
  • 10 Dec - 16 Dec, 2022
  • Mag The Weekly
  • Fiction

Then a hard backhand fist to the face knocks Drake to the flowery ground. The tengu stomps on Drakes back digging in its talons.

“You don’t fool me!” The tengu says as it presses its talons into Drakes back. “I know you’ve been sent by King Radius to kidnap the princess.”

“That’s not what I’m trying to do.” Drake says clenching his teeth in pain. “Please…stop. You’re hurting me.”

“That’s not our problem.” The feathered tengu says pressing his claws deeper into his back.

Blood ooze from Drakes back and his heart burns as the white glyph shines on his chest. He feels an electric charge surge through his body and his hands clasps tight into fists.

What’s happening to me?

With uncanny speed, Drake shifts his body, elbows the tengus talon off his back and sweep kicks the warrior off his feet. Drake spins to his feet, grabs the Avion by the neck and slams him onto the flowery grass. Eyes glowing white along with the glyph on his chest Drake casts a cold stare at the surprised tengu as he tries to wrestle away Drakes grasp on his neck.

“Don’t just stand there gawking! Do something!” The tengu orders.

“Stay where you are!” The princess shouts. The two tengus halt at her orders and stay their spears.

Then a hickory smell breaks Drake from his trance as his white glowing eyes vanish in a blink. Drake turns around and sees the princess holding out a large turkey leg on both of her multicoloured feathered arms.

“Food.” Drake says releasing his grasp on the prone tengu and stumbles towards the princess and takes the large meat and bites into its hot moist flesh.

“Forgive my men’s rudeness outsiders aren’t common here on these lands. The princess says. And things have grown tense since the Alternean king has returned. Tell me, where are you from?”

“I’m frwom sawlatia.” Drake says with mouth full of meat.

“I’m sorry?” The princess inquires.

“Hol on.” Drake says as he swallows the savory meat down his throat and wipes the grease from his mouth.

“I’m from Salatia.”

“Salatia?” I see, well that explains it then. Radius must’ve brought you to his lair seeing that he left for salatia years ago. Why did he take just you?”

Drake finishes the meat and tosses the bare bone to the side.

“It’s a long story.” Drake says in a long sigh. “One that I don’t understand yet.”

“Princess!” The black-feathered Tengu says as he stands to his feet. “This man is an outsider and a land-dweller he is not to be trusted. We should kill him before he….”

“Not every situation requires your violent touch Uzok.” Jasmine says scowling at her captain. “This man says he escaped the dragon’s clutches and I believe him.”

“What is your name foreigner?” Jasmine asks blinking her dark green eyes gazing into Drakes.

“Drake Ryft.”

“Well then,” she says with a smile. “My name is Jasmine Zeqen Princess of the Avions she opens her bright wings and gives a slight but elegant bow before standing still.”

“Please to meet you.” Drake replies with a slight bow.

“It’s nice to meet someone from the outside for once. She says with a sigh of relief. With all the tension of war with the dragons looming over us, it’s been hard to embellish in a little kindness. Please come with me and we can have an audience with my father in the palace.”

“Princess!” The tengu shouts in protest. “Please don’t do this.”

“I will hear none of it…captain.” The princess says sharply reminding him of his place. “You will escort young drake and I to my father post haste.”

Then Jasmine turns her back to the captain and holds out her wing towards Drake.

Drake stares at her well-groomed wing confused at her gesture.

“Oh, sorry I forgot.” She says. She opens her wings and the feathers sink into her limbs slowly morphing into tanned arms and her bird feet morphs into human legs. The result was a woman wearing a feathered sleeveless coat with her exposed tanned legs in full view.

“Wow. “Drake says gazing at the beauty flicking her green hair.

“Now we can go.” She says. “And welcome to Whistle Top Palace. Captain can you do the honours.”

Uzok walks up behind the princess and grabs her by the waist.

“Hurry up and grab the foreigner!” He shouts in an irritable tone. The other two tengus both burgundy feathered men walk up beside Drake and grabs his arms. Their wings open wide and with one leap flies into the air. The flowered grass beneath Drake’s feet becomes more distant as his feet dangle in the air. His eyes trail the enormous trees towering high into the sky. His stomach sinks from the sheer height as the tengus carrying him past large leafy branches.

If these goons drop me I’m as good as dead.

“Is it too high for you?” Uzoz teases with a chuckle. “Try not to panic we have a habit of… dropping things when they move around too much.”

Drake didn’t respond. He was too concerned about falling than the captain’s jeers as his eyes widen in fear.

As he is carried up, the leafy branches become thicker and thicker until Drake could no longer see the ground beneath him. Looking up he sees a roof of thick spikey leaves and a square section lifts up allowing for passage. Emerging from the opening, Drake is aghast when he sees a large wooden palace built within the tree canopy. Made of mostly wood, a red jewel sit near the triangular roof with the carving of two feathered harpies with their wings held out to the red jewel. The Tengus carrying Drake land on a circular oak-wood platform leading into the palace where other Avions fly to and from carrying out their duties. Drake shakes feeling into his arms and gazes up at the towering palace. Dark blue drapes hung from both wings of the palace as openings in the canopy casts rays of sunlight onto wooden harpy statues holding mirrors reflecting rays of light onto two oak Tengu statues carrying spears on both sides of the entrance. A myriad of colorful birds ranging from humming birds to doves populate the area collecting nuts and bugs as they dance around the palace.

“How are they able to build something like this all the way up here?” Drake says.

“It’s our pride as Avions” One tengu soldier boasts. “Only those who live in the skies are capable of these wonders.”

“I see that.” Drake says with a slight nod.

Then he hears trumpets boom in the area.

"Princess Jasmine has returned," A Tengu shouts.

Then all the busy tengus and harpies all gather near the platform’s edge and kneel as Uzoz lands Jasmine in front of her feathery subjects. Uzoz quickly darts in front of the princess and kneels before her with his hand over his chest.

“Welcome back your highness.”

“It’s good to be back, thank you.” She says looking down. “Thank you all.” She says addressing the rest of her subjects. “I know things has been tense for all of you but I promise we shall see better years. Do not fret, I and my father will work tirelessly to ensure the safety of the Avions and our homes. You have my word.”

“Thank you, your highness” A few shout as they erupt in applause.

Jasmine gives a graceful nod and she holds out her hand towards Drake.

“Having said that,” she continues. “I’d like to introduce you to this one named Drake Ryft.”

Drake tenses up as he stands erect being addressed in front of an audience. His face flushes red as he felt slightly uncomfortable from the eyes peering at him.

“He’s from salatia and was captured by the Alterneans. He managed to escape their grasps and rode Gale Queen’s wind here.”

Multiple murmurs erupt from the crowd concerned about the news.

“Gale Queen’s wind?” A few say.

“Impossible for a featherless to ride the queen’s wind.”

“I understand your skepticism.” Jasmine says but I know he speaks truth.

The murmurs die down and all were silent at her words as they glance at each other. A warm breeze rustles the leaves around them as the smell of oak-wood fill the air.

“Let us welcome him and offer our hospitality in an celebration,” she says with an elated smile on her face.

“A celebration?” Drake thinks to himself. “Why?”

“You heard her didn’t you?” Fane speaks in Drake’s mind. “Prospects of war has put everyone on edge here. You noticed it with the captain you met earlier. She’s just trying to ease tensions and help boost morale. Pay attention to her Drake you may learn something important.”

Then the dark oak-wood doors fling open and a squad of ten grey armored, spear wielding tengus march out in an organized fashion. The event caused the people to separate leaving an open path to Drake and Jasmine. Drake glance at Jasmine noticing her perturbed face as if she knew what was about to happen.

The Tengus beat their chests and stomped their iron spears into the wood creating a war like noise as they march in a straight line side by side. They turn to face each other, march backwards creating a space and thrust their spears over the space where the metal tips meet. There was a silence throughout the area. Even the birds ceased their chirping and flying as only the wind swayed the leaves of the canopy.

Bootsteps echo from the palace entrance and a aged red feathered tengu saunters from the entrance. Dawning a grey and black beard and an elongated nose the bulky individual struts underneath the meeting spears above.

Drake takes a few steps back noticing a lacerated eye on the Tengu lord as he folds his bulky arms.

“Jasmine, what is the meaning of this? I told you to be careful while on the surface. Why have you brought a land dweller here knowing full well of our laws and customs.”

“Forgive me father,” Jasmine says gracing her chest with the palms of her hands. I was merely helping someone lost on our lands. You see….”

The Tengu lord raises his hand silencing her abruptly.

“The man has a mouth does he not? Tell me land dweller, why are you here?”

“Drake swallows a lump in his throat as he never stood in a royal audience before. However, he sucks in a deep breath and takes a few steps forward.

“I was a slave on the land of Salatia until a force freed me and told me to find Estoria.” Drake says aloud.

Gasps and mumbles erupt from the crowd.

“The Ancient City?” The Tengu says with a widened eye then narrows in suspicion. “That place is but a myth.”

“I don’t expect you to believe me. Drake says. But I’m telling the truth that the city is just as real as this place. And Radius knows it to.”

The mention of the Dragon King’s name silences the Tengu lord as he glares at Drake.

“Is that why he captured you? What connection do you serve towards Estoria?”

Drake hesitates to answer.

I don’t want too many people know about me. Might cause trouble.

“I don’t know.” Drake says with a straight face. “But they were torturing me to find out.”

“And you say he captured you, did he?” The Tengu lord says folding his arms holding his bearded chin with his finger and thumb pensively. “How he managed to do that. Did he attack your village?”

“No.” Drake says shaking his head. We fought and I collapsed from exhaustion.

Jasmine snaps her head towards Drake with a shocked look on her face.

“Impossible.” The Tengu lord says Radius is said to be one of the strongest amongst the Alterneans next to Raina and the All Dragon.

All dragon?ÊDrake ponders.

“It’s all true,” Drake says lowering his head in disappointment. Thinking of his Griselda. “A lot has happened since I’ve escaped the quarry and most of what happened is hard for me to comprehend. I understand if you don’t believe me.”

“Well, that’s quite the tale young man.” The Tengu says lowering his bulky arms to his side. “I don’t believe you but it’s quite the tale.”

Drake sighs in frustration hearing the Tengu’s rebuttal.

“Then what do you want me to do?”

“You say you fought King Radius hmm?”

Drake nodded his head as he knew what was going to happen next.

“Well, if what you say is true, then…”

The Tengu lord dash in a burst of speed straight towards Drake leaving read feathers float to the ground. Drake bends his knees and shifts his bare feet into position. He feels the dry wood soot beneath his feet as his eyes catch the tengu lord flinginig his royal robe into the air and open his red wings.

to be continued...