Echoes of Change: The Digital Battlefield and the Karmic Revolution of 2025
- 04 Jan - 10 Jan, 2025
There will be many exciting and enlightening events in the year '23. Due to the Mercury and Mars' Retrograde motion at the start of the year, all national actions should be carefully thought out and guided by a comprehensive strategy. Pakistan needs to modernise its information technology (IT) industry if it wants to join the ranks of the leading IT nations. From HEPA filters to the widespread use of ultraviolet lights, the advent of modern technology will touch every aspect of our life. People will retire early and leave established careers to launch their new ventures this year. From reflective thinking to innovative planning, it will create growth and expansion. Although this year's Eclipses can throw everything into disarray, engaging in the mindful activities can help stabilise peoples’ mental health. For the first few months of the year, travel might be restricted for the time being in some parts of the world. Still, to advance as a nation, we must abandon some of our more archaic customs. In the realms of politics and society, small groupings will ultimately emerge victorious. Airborne diseases like Covid and its novel variants can be problematic; therefore, it's imperative to consider some alternative ways to mitigate the human exposure.
Mars and Mercury, two important planets, will be in the Retrograde motion to begin the year, potentially creating a chaotic and perhaps violent environment for several nations to the South and West of Pakistan. This might lead to a deterioration in ties with another country. However, the revenue flow from overseas partnerships will improve and strengthen as we draw closer to the second month. While we should not expect moderation in inflation in the first quarter, it will continue to rise further. Delays and damage to the agricultural products might result from a transportation standstill. The government will have to take action to ensure that new technologies are incorporated into people's daily lives since their use has now become an absolute need in this era. The stock market and the price of gold might see a downturn. Precautions should be made as the community's harmony is vulnerable in this quarter.
Jupiter and Mars will switch positions at the start of this quarter of the year '23, ushering in greater prosperity and fortitude; yet, the Solar and Lunar Eclipses and the Mercury Retrogrades will occur in April and May might impede progress. However, on the other hand, individuals interested in philosophy, science, and literature will benefit much from it. People will be keenly interested in mindfulness activities; this year, it will be a new norm. As Pluto moves into Aquarius, we may anticipate new uses of artificial intelligence, including non-invasive methods of treating physical ailments brought on by the technology. There will be a significant increase in the cost of real estate near coastal areas, which will impact those involved in it. Saturn's Retrograde at the start of June portends a mild global economic downturn that might spark widespread fear among the people.
Extreme weather changes will again affect everyone this quarter; therefore, we as global citizens must do more to improve the environment. Due to Venus's impending Retrograde, emphasis must be placed on long-term sustainability and increased spending on health and social safety nets. Those who work in news agencies and engage in journalism may be subject to stringent regulations, and the government may keep a close eye on them. Individuals and businesses need to exercise caution when marketing anything that can generate chaos. There will be a rise in the popularity of horror flicks this year, and the third Mercury Retrograde period will begin in September, which might lead to a decline in the revenue for the beauty industry. As a result, this is not the best quarter to introduce a new business.
During the last three months, there will be a dramatic shift in people's thought processes in Pakistan and worldwide. Due to Mars' conjunction with the South Node, tensions between a few countries in East and South-East Asia may rise to the level of open warfare, including the fifth-generation warfare. It's possible that reforms to the judicial system's underlying structure may win out, ushering in a new group of individuals. If the nations involved don't handle things with maturity, the year's remaining Eclipses might worsen things. Scandals involving money and taxes might also develop. When the planets' Nodes finally transit out towards the end of November, it will profoundly affect people's sense of spirituality and alter their earning habits. Changes to existing animal protections are possible. Also, the vegan lifestyle may gain more popularity.