The talented actress Raima Khan made her showbiz debut in Geo Television in Tere Pehlu Mein in 2006. The Lahore based actress shifted to Karachi in 2013 for better pastures – and her decision helped her groomed as an actress. She gets the chance to hone her skill by performing in several meaty roles. Some of her notable projects included Pakeeza Phuppo, Roag, Jugnu, Abro, Zun Mureed, Gunnah, Daastar-e-Ana, Mujhe Bhi Khuda Ne Banaya Hai, Thoda Sa Aasman and Ullu Baraye Farokht Nahi. She has completed another great project Kabuli Pulao with television bigwigs Khasif Nisar and Zafar Miraj for Green TV. In a candid chit chat with MAG she gives some fun answers to our rapid fire questions: Read on

Which celeb would you want as your other BFF and why?

I don’t consider showbiz as my friends. I keep a professional relationship with them. I only count my family in friend zone.

What do you do when no one else is around?

I use this time to develop strategy to make future brighter and happier.

What's the best present you ever received?

My sister brings a lot of gifts for me – and her every presents has special value to me.

What's the last thing you watched on Netflix?

I am currently watching Manifest new season – and I loved it.

What do you consider the ultimate comfort food?

Aloo gosht – I can have it at any time of day.

Best part of the day for you is?

When I heard ‘Pack up’ on the sets. I also like to spend time with my Ammi so whenever I am in Lahore I like to spend quality time with her.

If stuck on an island, you would?

I don’t like island if this would ever happen I would look for ways to come back to city life.

Best memory to-date is...

When I went to perform Umrah with my Ammi. It was the best day of my life.

If you were to interview a celebrity, who would it be?

I would love to interview Shahrukh Khan. He is the first and last crush of my life.

Social media is…

It is a beautiful platform to grow and connect with people. As an actor it is vital for us as we can get instant fan feedback on it.