An adventurous athlete Samar Khan is a shining star on the sports canvas of our country. She is the first Pakistani female cyclist to reach to world’s second-highest peak K2. She has broken numerous records and made Pakistanis proud with her astounding accomplishments. She has represented Pakistan in various countries. Furthermore, she is registered in the Pakistan Book of Records. Aside from that, she is a motivational speaker who has shared her journey on platforms like TEDx. The amazing sportswoman joins MAG for a quick and fun rapid-fire. Here are 60 seconds from her life. Excerpts:

Which celeb would you want as your BFF and why?

Bilal Lashari because I’d love to make sports and adventure films with him. I want to make him experience extreme sports life.

What do you do when no one else is around?

I watch movies or read a book.

What's the best present you ever received?

My snowboard is from Burton Snowboards Vermont.

What's the last thing you watched on Netflix?

A movie Lou.

What do you consider the ultimate comfort food?

Mushroom Steak – it’s so yummy.

The best part of the day for you is?

When I am training and indulging in activities like cycling and hiking.

If stuck on an island, you would?

Design my yacht and store huge food stock that can help in survival.

Life for you is...

Freedom to experiment and learn.

Best memory?

When I represented Pakistan at the ESPNW sports summit in California

If you were to interview a celebrity, who would it be?

I would love to interview Nepalese mountaineer Nirmal Purja. He has climbed all 14 of the world's tallest mountains and made history by summiting K2 in winter.

Your first celebrity crush was?

Strangely I never had a crush on celebrities.

Your guilty pleasure?

Dark chocolates.

Social media is…

A tool to create impact and meet the like-minded tribe.