• 20 May - 26 May, 2023
  • Mag The Weekly

When it comes to fitness, it's simple to fall into bad habits that can do more harm than good – especially as you get older. By avoiding these habits and incorporating alternative exercises into your routine, you'll greatly increase your chances of staying healthy and active well into your 30s, 40s, and beyond. Maintaining an active lifestyle is essential for good health. When it comes to fitness, many of us commit several common mistakes, such as overworking ourselves and skipping proper warm-ups. Here, we'll examine each habit in more detail, discuss any potential risks, and offer helpful advice for avoiding them.

Pushing your body to the limit

Pushing your body too hard without adequate rest can lead to overtraining, which can cause injuries, fatigue, decreased motivation, digestive issues, burnout, and more. Finding the right balance between pushing your body and allowing it to rest is crucial for this reason. Overtraining is a killer of progress and can even result in injuries, regardless of age. Without including rest days and de-loading periods in your training schedule, you may experience excessive fatigue or stop seeing results despite working out just as hard. These symptoms may indicate overtraining.

Performing excessive high-impact workouts

Exercises with a high impact can be hard on your joints, especially if you do them frequently. To lessen the strain on your body over time, switch up your routine with low-impact exercises like yoga, swimming, or cycling. High-impact activities like running and plyometrics tax your joints over time. To avoid overworking any one muscle group, you should ensure that you give yourself enough time to recover between these types of workouts, pay close attention to your form, and vary your workouts frequently.

Doing the same thing all the time

It's no secret that repeating the same exercises or workout routine day in and day out can lead to muscle imbalances and boredom. Instead, mix up your workouts every few weeks by attempting new activities or changing up your routine. At least once every few weeks, change up your workouts, advises McNulty. "This is especially true for those who enjoy endurance sports like running or rowing, which can result in overuse injuries if practised repeatedly over an extended period of time.

Not Focusing on nutrition

Poor nutrition is impossible to overcome. There is no denying that a poor diet over time has negative effects, including a higher risk of metabolic disorders and a host of other health conditions that, in many cases, could have been avoided, whether your goal is to achieve visible abs or overall health. No matter how hard you work out, your body needs the right nutrients, like protein and carbohydrates, to produce the results you want. This is why it's so important to eat a balanced diet that's rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Not warming up or cooling down

Research shows that skipping a proper warm-up or cool-down can increase injury risk and prolong recovery time. Therefore, spend a few minutes before and after your workout stretching and doing light cardio to prepare your body for exercise and help support recovery. Your cardiovascular system benefits from gradual increases and decreases in heart rate brought on by warming up and cooling down. An effective warm-up also encourages blood flow to the particular muscles you'll be working, which may lessen soreness and reduce your risk of injury.