- 25 Jan - 31 Jan, 2025
If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman. – Margaret Thatcher
Social media plays a vital role in today’s world. Nowadays, people lead facilitated lives thanks to social media, which serves as a valuable resource for knowledge and information. Platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, and many others contribute significantly to people’s daily lives by keeping them updated on day-to-day happenings worldwide.
In the past, individuals used to send letters to their relatives, a process that took months to reach the desired destination. However, in the present day, peo-ple can connect with their relatives instantly from the comfort of their homes. Moreover, notable authors share their profound thoughts on social media platforms like YouTube. It serves as a source where students can access a wealth of educational content. Today, students no longer need to attend academies for their classes as they can find lectures on platforms like YouTube.
Additionally, social media provides a great platform for everyone, allowing the public to express their views on government decisions. People can inform the concerned authorities about their feelings and satisfaction regarding these decisions. It is crucial for individuals to use social media in an appropriate way to maximise the benefits it offers.
Tourism enhances Pakistan’s economy through positive impacts. It stimulates the infrastructure development, both natural and cultural heritage, and necessitates improvements in transportation and public services. These enhancements not only cater to tourists but also positively impact local residents.
Tourism serves as a catalyst for the appreciation and preservation of Pakistan’s natural and cultural heritage, making them appealing attractions for visitors. Local businesses, including handicrafts, eateries, and traditional artisans, stand to benefit from increased tourism. Moreover, the industry attracts foreign investors interested in developing the tourism related infrastructure. To fully leverage its tourism potential, Pakistan must invest in improving infrastructure, ensuring visitor safety and security, and preserving its rich natural and cultural heritage.