What’s to watch on Netflix?
- 15 Feb - 21 Feb, 2025
A new month looms on the horizon which means lots of new movies coming to Netflix! Here are our top picks of the best and most anticipated new movies that are due to hit your screen in Pakistan this month.
I Lost My Body
Beautifully animated and utterly unique, I Lost My Body takes audiences on a singularly strange journey whose unexpected contours lead to a wholly satisfying destination.
Watching Alfonso Cuaron's Roma is almost like flipping through a beautifully-shot album of 1970s Mexico. It is a display of the keen and sensitive understanding of what the lives of women are.
Hunt for the Wilderpeople
Hunt for the Wilderpeople is an excellent watch, focusing solely on the relationship between – and the misadventures of – its two central figures.
Mudbound offers a well-acted, finely detailed snapshot of American history whose scenes of rural class struggle resonate far beyond their period setting.