• 27 Jul - 02 Aug, 2024
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During preschool, your child will develop socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually.

Preschool is a time for social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth for your kid. The cognitive abilities developed at this stage, including as elementary vocabulary and counting, may appear straightforward, but they will prepare your child for a lifetime of learning.

Also, preschool promotes the growth of social skills and a healthy sense of self. All else will fall into place if youngsters feel good about themselves and know how to feel proud even if they make a mistake. The significant learning milestones that kids will usually reach in preschool are listed below, along with advice on how to help your child follow the preschool curriculum at home.

Letters and Sounds in Preschool
Children will learn to recognise and name all 26 uppercase letters as well as several lowercase letters as part of the preschool curriculum (lowercase letters are harder to learn at this age). Along with other letters and significant words like Mom, Dad, and love, they can recognise and write their own first name. Also, preschoolers will establish a link between letters and sounds and will be familiar with some of the sounds that letters create.

Reinforce the concept at home
Playing with letter refrigerator magnets will help your child retain their knowledge of the alphabet. Sang the "ABC song" together while you analyse the word's initial sounds in regular speech. Show them on a Cheerios box that 'Cheerios' has a Ch in front. They'll understand that Target starts with a T the next time they visit if you tell them that when you go there. Encourage your child's love of language, reading, and books by reading to them frequently. Reading to the children every day is one of the most wonderful things parents can do. Making reading time enjoyable by looking at pictures together, pointing out words, and discussing what is occurring in the book may make even 10 minutes a night of reading worthwhile. Inquire "What is this?" and "What is she doing?" and then talk about your child's observations and ideas. Songs, nursery rhymes, and tongue twisters can all help your child learn about how sounds operate while also making them laugh a lot.

Numbers and Counting in Preschool
Understanding the appearance of the numbers 0 to 9 and correctly labelling them is a significant component of the preschool curriculum. The ability to count is a distinct skill that begins with memory; young children will recall the order of the numbers and proudly recite them as they "count" objects. Preschoolers will learn that numbers and objects genuinely match as they get older.

Reinforce the concept at home
Ask your child to name the numbers they encounter frequently – in books, on food cans, in TV commercials, etc. You can add up commonplace items like the floor's blocks, crayons in a box, and the stairs to your top level.

Colors, Shapes, and Objects in Preschool
Preschoolers will continue to learn the names of colors, basic shapes, and body parts.

Reinforce The Concept At Home
Ask questions about colour as you and your child read books together, such as, "What colour is that car?" and "Which hat is yellow?" Use questions like, "Does that picture appear like a square or a triangle?" and point out the shapes of commonplace things. Discuss the hues of your child's shirt, pants, shoes, and socks while they get dressed. The preschool curriculum can also be helped by making everything into a game. Play a "Where Is?" game to learn body parts; for example: "Where is my nose? How about your chin? Your elbows should be here." Play a game where you ask about an object and challenge your youngster to determine its shape and colour while on the bus or in the vehicle.