A Magnifying Glass
- 07 Sep - 13 Sep, 2024
We are giving you one day’s time, leave this city or one of us might kill you” Hannan was badly stunned hearing everyone talk like this, so he spoke:
“Fine, you guys do what you like. But trust me, one day I will be back and I’ll have my revenge”
Saying this Hannan turned and walked away. He left the parking lot.
That moment, both the servants turned towards Rizwan who was bleeding. Sirtaj said to him:
“We are extremely sorry, we had no idea about how he would fool us. Please forgive us sir”
“You don’t have to apologize” Rizwan answered. “I have already forgiven you”
Rizwan also left the spot as he spoke this. Mr. Taha came forwards and said to both the servants:
“He truly is a kind person, just like his father said”
“But what about the prophecy of owls” Maqsood asked Mr. Taha.
“That is exactly what I am talking about. I had acquired Tariq Yasar’s diary yesterday; according to that diary it wasn’t the lying person who would see several owls, it was a kind person who would see the owls”
“Oh, I see” Sirtaj commented. “But how did you come across the word lying initially?”
“It was that old man’s speech. I couldn’t hear him properly, that’s what created the confusion”
“Yes, that’s understandable. So where is the diary?”
One hour later, Rizwan was at his home with a bandage on his forehead. He was quite happy and relieved as he was holding his father’s diary. He wondered while walking and remembering his life of past few days:
I was never ill intentioned. My purpose was never to create divisions among the family, and now everyone knows it. I had to go through a really dark phase of painful mischief in order to prove my honesty. I lost my wife, I lost my brother but I gained my father’s diary. However I don’t think that the mischief has ended forever, it has only faded temporarily. In the meantime, I can read all the prophecies mentioned by my father.
He sat on the sofa. He opened the diary and began reading.