Declutter your living space

– Editorial Desk

There's a reason spring cleaning often puts a little extra spring in the step. Few things feel better than clearing the clutter from our often hectic lives. As papers build up on the desk, jewellery accumulates on the vanity, toys litter the kids' bedroom floor, and decorative mementos eventually seem to overtake the living room – getting spare items out of sight and out of mind has an amazing ability to create a much more attractive aesthetic and calmer presence within the home. Here are a few creative methods to teach you how to declutter with joy.

Jute over the door hanging baskets make for a beautiful natural storage option.

These velvet storage bins will make tidy look trendy.

Try a coffee table with hidden storage that doubles as a disguise for clutter.

Think of your walls as functional blank canvases and hide clutter using wall shelves.

You're a doer, a multitasker and you want a storage cart that rolls as smoothly from one task to the next as you do.