"Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life."
– Steve Jobs

There is an alarming increase in cases of conjunctivitis, commonly known as "pink eye," in Karachi. This issue warrants immediate attention as it poses a significant public health concern and has been affecting a large number of residents in our city. Conjunctivitis is an eye infection characterized by redness, irritation, and discharge from the eyes. It is highly contagious and can spread easily, particularly in crowded areas such as schools, workplaces, and public transportation. In recent weeks, there has been a noticeable surge in the number of reported cases across various neighborhoods in Karachi, causing discomfort and inconvenience to a substantial portion of our population. Several factors may contribute to the rapid spread of conjunctivitis in our city. Firstly, the lack of awareness about preventive measures and the importance of personal hygiene, such as regular handwashing and avoiding touching the eyes, is a significant issue. Additionally, the lack of access to clean water and proper sanitation facilities in some areas exacerbates the problem. I urge the relevant authorities to take immediate action to address this situation effectively. Launch a comprehensive public awareness campaign through various media channels, emphasizing the importance of hand hygiene, not sharing personal items like towels and eye drops, and seeking medical attention if symptoms appear. Ensure that all residents have access to clean and safe drinking water, as this is crucial for maintaining good hygiene. Sanitation Improvement: Improve sanitation facilities in areas where they are lacking, particularly in densely populated neighborhoods. Encourage schools and workplaces to implement guidelines for preventing the spread of conjunctivitis, such as regular disinfection of common surfaces and encouraging affected individuals to stay home until they recover. It is our collective responsibility to protect the health and well-being of our fellow citizens. By addressing the current conjunctivitis outbreak proactively, we can prevent further suffering and ensure a healthier future for all residents of Karachi.
Noman Ahmed,

It is the need of the hour to preserve and protect the rich cultural heritage of Pakistan. Our country boasts a heritage that spans thousands of years, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that it is passed down to future generations in its full glory. Pakistan's heritage is a testament to the diversity and cultural richness that has thrived on this land for centuries. From the ancient civilizations of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa to the Mughal Empire's architectural wonders, from the mystical poetry of Allama Iqbal to the exquisite craftsmanship of our artisans, each aspect of our heritage is a source of pride and inspiration. However, the rapid pace of modernization and urbanization poses a significant threat to our cultural heritage. Historical sites, monuments, and traditional crafts are often neglected or face the danger of being lost forever. It is crucial that we take immediate steps to address this issue and ensure the preservation of our heritage. Firstly, there should be a renewed commitment to the restoration and maintenance of historical sites and monuments across the country. Funds and resources should be allocated for their preservation, and experts in heritage conservation should be consulted to ensure that these sites are not only protected but also presented to the public in an educational and engaging manner. We should promote awareness and education about our heritage among the younger generation. We should support and encourage traditional craftsmen and artisans. These individuals are the custodians of age-old techniques and skills that are at risk of being lost. Initiatives to promote and market traditional crafts should be established to ensure that these valuable traditions continue to thrive. The government, civil society, and individuals should work together to enforce strict laws and regulations regarding the preservation of heritage sites and the prevention of illegal excavation and smuggling of artifacts. Public awareness campaigns should also be launched to discourage the purchase of stolen or smuggled cultural artifacts.
Humaira Sadiq,