General Physician
- 07 Oct - 13 Oct, 2017
Q: Hi, I am 24 years old and have recently noticed a heat rash along my waistline. I am not sure if it’s because of the fitting of my trouser’s or something else. There’s a spot that looks like ringworm and I am really worried. Please help! Rehman
A: Dear Rehman, the rash could be due to a few factors. It could be a reaction of your trouser’s fitting, the build up of skin products like dead skin or sweat; it could be a superficial layer of skin that normally causes itching and scratching several times. So all these factors lead to dermatitis and often appear as ringworms. I would suggest you see a dermatologist as soon as possible and start treatment accordingly.
Q: Hello! I am 21 years old and have been experiencing excessive facial hair growth since my teenage years. I wanted to know if there is a quick way to slow down the process and get rid of this problem once and for all. I have tried waxing and it hasn’t helped me much. So please suggest an alternative. Thanks! Umna
A: Dear Umna, waxing is one of the best ways to get rid of this problem; however, since it hasn’t helped you much, there are other ways too, like laser, which is effective but expensive and might be harsh for your skin. Therefore, I would suggest that you consult a dermatologist, as he/she will advise you accordingly after having seen the extent of hair growth.
Q: Hi! I am 21 years old. I want to know how I can get rid of insect bites because I recently noticed several mosquito bites on my lower arm; also, they itch a lot and look really ugly. Please tell me if there is a way to heal them as soon as possible. Kanza
A: Dear Kanza, sadly, there is no proper way to heal insect bites, because such bumps take a few days to completely disappear. Only time can heal them. However, there are ways one can minimise complications, like try not to scratch the bumpy area; also, over-the-counter medications are available to help get rid of itching. But consult your primary care doctor to prescribe them, as they would suggest what suits best for your skin condition.