What is GMO? Can the excessive consumption of GMOs have adverse impact on my health?

GMO stands for “Genetically Modified Organisms”. They are organisms that are genetically altered to procure certain benefits, for example, disease resistance, improved flavour, and enhanced nutritional value are some of the benefits of GMO foods. They may trigger allergic reactions and adversely affect the environment.

I’m thinking of adding food additives to my food. Is the consumption of food additives harmful by any chance?

There are a number of food additives and some of them are actually helpful in preserving the food as well as enhancing the flavour, however, some food additives could cause unpleasant symptoms in some individuals. Only those substances should be added in food which are generally recognised as safe (GRAS) by FDA.

I’ve been giving food with edible colours to my children. Are food colours safe for them?

Stop giving them artificially coloured foods as it may lead to hyperactive children. Or limit it to less than or equal to 100mg/day. Make it a habit to read food labels always. Add organic colours like whole fruits and vegetables in their plate.

How often is it okay to snack?

It totally depends on your goal, condition and requirements. I always ask my clients to add a pre-breakfast, afternoon and an evening snack in their diet. It helps you to avoid overeating in your major meals. A few options for snacks are: a fruit, cheese stick, handful of nuts, a cup of milk, fruit juice or a cup of Greek yogurt.

I have been thinking of changing my milk. How are fat-free, reduced fat and lite products different?

A fat free product has less than 0.5g of fat per serving; reduced fat means a product that has 25-50% less fat than the regular version and lite means the product has 25% less fat and calories than the regular version.