Cable Girls: Final Season

  • 29 Feb - 06 Mar, 2020
  • Mag The Weekly

Cable Girls just returned for the fifth season, fans were pleased about the series getting renewed for fifth season, but became sad after knowing that this is going to be the final season of the series. It is one of the top charted Spanish shows produced by Netflix. The season begins with Sofia running off to Spain to fight in the war. That won’t do, and Lidia chases after her to bring her home. This season takes us through Lidia’s efforts to get Sofia back home, war related scenes that are filmed beautifully, and ends with the fall of Madrid, which marked the end of the war. Everyone they asked for help wanted something in return. Each decision and choice led them further into danger. As soon as Lidia got to Spain, she reunited with Marga (Nadia de Santiago) and Pablo (Nico Romero) who were working in what used to be the telephone company building. Carlota (Ana Fernández) and Oscar (Ana Polvorosa) worked together as journalists. The old friends joined in the effort to find Sofia. They visited everyone they knew with influence and connections, including their old friend Victoria (Kiti Mánver) and an American journalist (Alex Hafner). Some of the characters ended in a happy place, some in utter hell. Plenty of cliffhangers keep you holding on for the final part of the final season. There’s a lot to appreciate in this season, especially the unbreakable bond of friendship.